Sunday, 1 September 2013

Week in Words

I have had a pretty jam packed week this week!

  • Monday was spent feeling the affects of gardening.  I was like some old biddy everytime I moved, the backs of my thighs were so sore but at least I know I definintely put some effort in!
  • Being super lazy on my day off and literallly chilling on the couch all day.
  • Having a lovely pub dinner with a friend.  It was cheap and cheerful and I would genuinely eat there every night if I could afford it.
  • Having far too many late nights,
  • Experiencing dress drama.  I ordered a total of 5 dresses for a 21st birthday party and only one of them fitted me properly and it was my least favourite one.
  • Buying some new black heels and finding them pretty comfy.  Bonus!
  • Prepping my body for a fake tanning session only to discover that my mitt had disappeared and was nowhere to be found.  I also didn't manage to locate one in any of my local stores so I had to remain pale.
  • Dog and cat sitting for our friends whilst they have a weekend away.
  • Babysitting for our friends.  They have 3 children who are all superstars when it comes to bedtime but the youngest was a right little monkey this time and was up every 10 minutes wanting to play!
  • Doing an epic amount of washing.  I don't understand how it piles up so quickly! There are only two of us!
  • Giving my kitchen a good scrub down.
  • Taking my dog for a late night walk.  It was so so peaceful.
  • Finding a hedgehog visitor in my garden. It was massive and my dog was rather confused but really wanted to play.
  • Enjoying my extra day off work.
  • Taking 3 dogs and a baby to the park - it was interesting haha!
  • Going out for a lovely pub dinner with my friend and her little sister.
  • Hosting pre pub cocktails at our house before hitting the pub.  They were sooooo good.
  • Partying it up for my friend's 21st birthday.
  • Having a major lay in.
  • Being excited with the husband for our secret mission!
  • Having a lovely cuppa whilst going over the previous night's events.
  • Having a chilled out day catching up on blogs and X Factor.
  • Cooking a glorious roast whilst my hubby is out at the pub watching the football.
What have you all been up to this week? I've enjoyed having lots of plans but I think I'll try and have a quiet one this week!

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